If a > b is a² > b² ?


New member
Mar 28, 2011
If a > b is a² > b² ?

If a > b is a² always greater than b² ? Explain why and give examples.

I believe it is, but I'm a bit unsure. Help?
Re: If a > b is a² > b² ?

How about if a and b are negative.

Say, \(\displaystyle a=-2, \;\ b=-3\)

In this case, is \(\displaystyle a^{2}>b^{2}\)?.
Re: If a > b is a² > b² ?

Hello, missc!

Did you try some specific examples?

\(\displaystyle \text{If }a > b\text{, is }a^2\text{ always greater than }b^2\,?\)
\(\displaystyle \text{Explain why and give examples.}\)

If negative numbers can be used, the answer is no.

\(\displaystyle 2 \,>\, \text{-}3,\;\text{ but . . .}\)
