If 2x < y < 0, which of -2x, -(2x+y), 2x, 0, -y is greatest?


New member
Jan 18, 2008
If 2x < y < 0, which of the following is greatest?

(a) -2x
(b) -(2x + y)
(c) 2x
(d) 0
(e) -y

So I know everything to the left of zero is less than zero so they have to be negatives.
I know y is greater than 2 times something.
What is the normal procedure for a problem like this?
Plugging in numbers? If so, what numbers?
Help on the set up would be greatly appreciated
Re: Bending my mind haha

Try plugging in values and see what you can deduce. For example, let x = -2 and y = -1.
Love21 said:
Help on the set up would be greatly appreciated
For a start, Sarah2391, think about changing the signs. In particular, if 2x < y < 0, then 0 < -y < -2x. :idea:

I'm sorry i'm failing to see what's so funny...
My name is Ashley, who is Sarah?
Love21 said:
I'm sorry i'm failing to see what's so funny...
My name is Ashley, who is Sarah?
Account "Sarah2391" and account "Rockerchick" post the same sorts of questions in the same format from the same IP address as you are, and they are the same person, switching from one account to another when rebuked for ill behavior. Perhaps this was just a coincidence...?

My apologies if the startling similarity misled me to the wrong conclusion. :oops:

Yeah this would be my first time posting on this board...i guess we just have similar math questions or something?