Idk what type of math this is, but would welcome guidance


New member
Oct 8, 2019
I have a question,

If I worked in a call centre where 600 calls were analyzed for quality, and of the 600, 11 passed, and of the 11 passes, 2 were mine.

What percentage would I have exceeded the average employees' for quality?
[By] what percentage would I have exceeded the average employees' [quality percentage]?
In order to talk about the 'average' employee rating, we first need to know:

1) How many employees worked to answer those 600 calls?

2) How many calls did each employee handle?

3) Of the 11 quality calls, how many did each employee achieve?

… Idk what type of math this is …
Percents and percentages (with known numbers) falls under 'arithmetic'.

For example, if you handled 95 calls and 2 of them were deemed 'quality calls', then 2.1% of your calls were quality calls.

2/95 × 100 = 2.1 (rounded to the nearest tenth)

600 calls and 11 of them "passed"? No matter how many employees there are, that call center needs to be shut down (just in case your question isn't actually academic).