Idk the geometry concept, but please help!


New member
Jun 8, 2007
Okay so there is a square in the middle of a circle, and you have to find out the radius of the circle. The square extends to one of the sides, making it a rectangle. I think the lines are suppossed to be cords? Two of the lines making the rectangle are 24 cm, and the other line is 16 cm. How am I suppossed to find out the radius of the circle? Is there a certain formula? Thanks.
Have you heard of the Pythagorean Theorem? It looks like this: \(\displaystyle a^{2}+b^{2}=c^{2}\) It is VERY important.

In any case, draw a diagonal in that rectangle and see how it relates to the diameter of the circle.
Okay, so after you do pythag, do you need to determine if it's a 45 45 90 or 30 60 90(we had to do it in class, when I was actually taking it, this is for a contest) Or is the C2 the radius of the square(I know that sounds werid....) but then I'm still confused about what to do after I find the c2.
tkhunny spoonfed you the answer: the diameter is the length of the diagonal of the rectangle. Now, you have the diameter, now what's the radius? Following on from the theorem tkhunny posted, \(\displaystyle \L\ c = sqrt{a^2 + b^2}\)
iu_chick09 said:
Okay so there is a square in the middle of a circle, and you have to find out the radius of the circle....
Since Neopets has made its position regarding people posting the solutions to the latest "Lenny Conundrum" puzzler before the contests close, it will strike many as potentially unethical to provide you with the answer to Round 217 before the evening of Wednesday, 13 June.

However, if you are wanting to learn the mathematics (rather than being one of those people who just pretends this is homework and hopes to snooker a tutor into winning prizes for him/her), then please reply showing all of your work and reasoning, especially given the help you've received here so far.

Thank you! :D

Grrr... I thought their problems were tougher than that. It didn't even cross my mind that this might be one.