- 1. Calculate how much calcium carbonate ( CaCO3) would be required to raise the pH of a 20 m2 site on heavy clay from pH 6.0 to 7.5.
- Buffering capacity of heavy clay soil = 8
7.5 – 6 = 1.5 x 8
- =12 t/ha
- =1200 g/m2
- 1200 x 20m2 = 24000
= 24 kg bags
- 2. Calculate how much sulphur would be required to lower the pH of a 20m2 site on heavy clay from pH 7.5 to 6.0.
- Neutralising value of ammonium sulphate ( compared to elemental sulphur) = 33.3%
- Buffering capacity of heavy clay soil = 8