I'm sorry, but your formatting is sufficiently ambiguous as to cloud the meaning. It appears that you have two exercises, each giving a relation between variables "s" and "t", and you are asked to evaluate (find the value of) s when "5" is plugged in for "t".
But I can't tell what the relations are. I think the first one is:
. . . . .t + 1 = 4sqrt(s)
If so, then plug "5" in for "t", add the "1" in, divide through by the "4", and square to find the value of "s".
For the second one, you could mean:
. . . . .t = sqrt(-5)s + 31
...in which case, you'll need to let us know if you're working with complex numbers or only with the reals. Or you could mean:
. . . . .t = sqrt(-5s) + 31
. . . . .t = sqrt(-5s + 31)
Please reply with clarification. When you reply, please show how far you have gotten on these exercises. Thank you.