I am Mathmatically Challenged


New member
Aug 25, 2009
When I was stationed overseas in Holland we used to raise money for our activities by conducting a pick and pay raffle. We would put anywhere from 1-300 tickets in a large jar each one priced from 1 cent to 300 cents in sequence. There was a guy in Avionics who had a numeric progression formula we used to use to be able to compute what we could earn with the amount of tickets in progression we had or by adding 50 cents to the jar or adding an additional dollar (100) tickets to the jar. Does anyone out there have a formula they could share with me so I could use this again? Thank you....i.e. 1 cent, 2 cent, 3 cents, 4 cent tickets on up to 300 Cents or 400 cents.
Rick Bagnall
Now Dennis I am forced to publicly display my true lack of math abilities...

Could you lay out the formula in the realm I was working in...

If we are going to use 300 tickets to raise money how would I determine what that would raise? If I added another 100 what would that look like. I don't understand the asterisk ...I do know enough that you work the parenthesis first then work outside but I wasn';t clear on last and last +1.

Yes we are out here....But I can wite a thesis in an evening...We all have our skillsets!!!

Thanks Dennis


Not as challenged as I thought...Got it so thank you for your help..

Welcome, Rick.
Should have mentionned that multiplication = * and division = / are now pretty well standards.
Why? Dunno.
Probably because x looks like a letter, and there's no keyboard key with ye olde division sign :idea:
Thank you for the article is was informative

I wed it and wed it over and over.

Again Thanks...
