The question about summation of sine of enumerating angle 2*pi*n*k(enumerate k)
Thanks for advice in my last moved post.After improving the description of my question and adding my work has been done,I post again.I should apologize for my careless work.
Given that n is an arbitrary integer, N is an arbitrary positive integer, and k is the integer enumerating from 0 to N - 1, what I want to prove is the following:
. . . . .\(\displaystyle \displaystyle \sum_{n = 0}^{N - 1}\, \cos\left(\dfrac{2\pi n}{N}\, k\right)\, =\, 0\, \mbox{ as well as }\, \sum_{k = 0}^{N - 1}\, \sin\left(\dfrac{2\pi n}{N}\, k\right)\, =\, 0\)
What I have done is through imagining the complex exponent vector \(\displaystyle \exp\left(i2\pi \dfrac{n}{N}k\right)\) drawn on a complex plane. If k enumerators from 0 to N - 1, and N is an even number, the vectors can be expressed as:
. . . . .\(\displaystyle \exp\left(i2\pi \dfrac{n}{N}k\right)\, =\, \exp\left(i2\pi \dfrac{n}{N}\, \dfrac{N\, -\, 1}{2}\right)\, \times\, \exp\bigg[i2\pi \dfrac{n}{N}\, \left(k\, -\, \dfrac{N\, -\, 1}{2}\right)\bigg]\)
If k - (N - 1)/2 is a positive number, the vector \(\displaystyle \exp\left(i2\pi \dfrac{n}{N}k\right)\) can be regarded as the vector \(\displaystyle \exp\left(i2\pi \dfrac{n}{N}\, \dfrac{N\, -\, 1}{2}\right)\) clockwised an angle \(\displaystyle 2\pi \dfrac{n}{N}\, \left(k\, -\, \dfrac{N\, -\, 1}{2}\right)\) Otherwise, counter-clockwise for a negative value.
Since N is an even integer, vectors defined as \(\displaystyle \exp\left(i2\pi \dfrac{n}{N}k\right)\) would be distributed symmetrically on both sides of \(\displaystyle \exp\left(i2\pi \dfrac{n}{N}\, \dfrac{N\, -\, 1}{2}\right)\) on the complex plane. As a result:
. . . . .\(\displaystyle \displaystyle \sum_{k = 0}\, N\, -\, 1\, \exp\left(i2\pi \dfrac{n}{N}k\right)\, =\, 0\)
However, this is the case only when N is an even integer. For N odd, I have no idea how to prove this.
Thanks in advance for any advice or hints.