How to prove that V is a vector space?


New member
Oct 15, 2015
Hello! My name is Julien, and I am starting a program of Physics. Unfortunately, I have not done much maths for quite long, and I realise that I must understand a few basics that are not going to be explained again before I sink :)

I have a homework that says:
(I roughly translate from German)

Given this third degree polynomial:
V = {p(x) = a0 + a1x + a2x2 + a3x3; a0, ...a3 € R}

Show explicitly that V forms (is?) a vector space.

To be honest, I have only very little idea of what the question means. It was not yet question of vector spaces in our course, only vector addition, scalar product and vector product. I gathered here and there informations about how to prove that a set V is a vector space, but without really understanding the question it is hard to progress :(

Thank you very much in advance for your suggestions, I appreciate it.

Hello! My name is Julien, and I am starting a program of Physics. Unfortunately, I have not done much maths for quite long, and I realise that I must understand a few basics that are not going to be explained again before I sink :)

I have a homework that says:
(I roughly translate from German)

Given this third degree polynomial:
V = {p(x) = a0 + a1x + a2x2 + a3x3; a0, ...a3 € R}

Show explicitly that V forms (is?) a vector space.

To be honest, I have only very little idea of what the question means. It was not yet question of vector spaces in our course, only vector addition, scalar product and vector product. I gathered here and there informations about how to prove that a set V is a vector space, but without really understanding the question it is hard to progress :(

Thank you very much in advance for your suggestions, I appreciate it.

You might want to read something like
which lists the axioms needed to be satisfied by a vector space V. The fact that certain axioms are satisfied sometimes easily come from the underlying field of the vector space. For example
(a0 + a1 x + a2 x2 + a3 x3) + (b0 + b1 x + b2 x2 + b3 x3)
= (b0 + b1 x + b2 x2 + b3 x3) + (a0 + a1 x + a2 x2 + a3 x3)
= ((a0+b0)+ (a1+b1) x + (a2+b2) x2 + (a3+b3) x3)
= ((b0+a0)+ (b1+a1) x + (b2+a2) x2 + (b3+a3) x3)
because of the commutativity properties of the reals.
Thank you for your answer. I've already read the wikipedia article, but still fail to understand what we mean by "vector space". Google says it is "a space consisting of vectors", but the first example on the wiki page (arrows in the plane) confuses me:
- is a vector space the parallelogram formed by the vectors?
- is a vector space the ensemble of all vectors existing within that plane?
- is a vector space something else altogether?

And then, once I will have understood what it is, to prove that V is a vector space, do I have to check all 8 of the axioms and see if they are valid?

Thank you very much for your help, I appreciate it.


Thank you for your answer. I've already read the wikipedia article, but still fail to understand what we mean by "vector space". Google says it is "a space consisting of vectors", but the first example on the wiki page (arrows in the plane) confuses me:
- is a vector space the parallelogram formed by the vectors?
- is a vector space the ensemble of all vectors existing within that plane?
- is a vector space something else altogether?

And then, once I will have understood what it is, to prove that V is a vector space, do I have to check all 8 of the axioms and see if they are valid?

Thank you very much for your help, I appreciate it.


Others can probably give you more detailed information but after reading the Wikipedia article I think your confusion centers around your concept of a vector in mathematics vs physics.

On one hand we think of a vector as that arrow on a plane or in 3-D, and we think of the "space" as the plane or the volume within which the arrow is placed. And, indeed, as the article points out that is where the primitive notion arises. Later, for the purpose of developing an algebra of vectors, that notion is replaced by the concept of a vector as an n-tuplet, namely an ordered pair (x, y) on a plane (R2) or an ordered triplet (x, y, z) in R3. With the concept of a vector as an n-tuplet one can now conceive of a vector in some abstract space Rn.

Early on we are taught how to add/subtract, multiply/divide numbers, 2 + 3 = 5, 5 x 6 =30 etc. The question now is how to add pairs or triplets of numbers, what do you do if given (1,5) + (2,3), or (1, 6, 7) + (7, 8, 2). You need rules defining what those expressions mean and are equivalent too.

A large part of mathematics is formalized by abstracting the essence of something and generalizing on it. The expressions 2 + 3, and (1,5) + (2,3), can be both be generalized as, in essence, "expressions" of an operation on a pair of objects. In the first case the objects are numbers, in the second case, n-tuplets (specifically an ordered pair). In both cases the operation is one of "addition", but, because the objects being added are different in each case the rules/procedure for adding the objects are different.

Now, depending on the objects under discussion, numbers, vectors, matrices, etc, different operations may or may not be relevant. For example, if one is analyzing chess moves where the the board and chess pieces comprise a set of objects, do the operations of addition and multiplication apply? Probably not, you would need to define a completely different set of operations to define an "algebra of chess".

The main point is that while one might find it useful to think of vectors as arrows in space when representing a physical conception, mathematics is more abstract. In mathematics, I would suggest, a "vector" is not an arrow but an ordered n-tuple. Correspondingly, a vector space is not a geometric plane, or a volume, but rather a set or subset of ordered n-tuplets over which the defining properties of a vector hold ... and that is what this exercise is establishing. In general, unless you are going to be a mathematician proving basic properties is just done once, then you just use them.

As to the proving part, this might be an example:

Let A be the vector (a,b), let B be the vector (c,d) where a,b,c,d are real numbers.

Is it true that the addition of vectors is commutative? Does A + B = B +A

By the definition of the addition of ordered pairs:

A + B = (a,b) + (c, d) = (a+c, b+d)

B + A = (c, d) + (a, b) = (c + a, d + a)

but real numbers are commutative over addition so:

(c + a, d + a) = (a + c, b + d), therefore

A + B = B + A and so vectors are commutative in 2-D, does one need to extend this to n-tuplets? Don't know, but that is the idea.

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Thank you for your answer. I've already read the wikipedia article, but still fail to understand what we mean by "vector space". Google says it is "a space consisting of vectors", but the first example on the wiki page (arrows in the plane) confuses me:
- is a vector space the parallelogram formed by the vectors?
- is a vector space the ensemble of all vectors existing within that plane?
- is a vector space something else altogether?

And then, once I will have understood what it is, to prove that V is a vector space, do I have to check all 8 of the axioms and see if they are valid?

Thank you very much for your help, I appreciate it.


In the most basic sense a vector space is just a collection of things that obey certain rules. For example, (all of the possible) arrows in a plane as in the Wikipedia article is a vector space, (all of the possible) ordered pairs mentioned by Dale10101 is a vector space, and the space of (all of the possible) linear equations is a vector space. Although these are all vector spaces in their own right, these three examples can also be considered as just an example of the general two dimensional vector space.

To illustrate the equivalence of addition in these three vector spaces, consider an arrow in a plane with end points a and b and one with end points c and d. If we add those two we get an arrow with end points a+c and b+d. The equivalent for the order pairs is (a,b)+(c,d)=(a+c,b+d) and the equivalent for the linear equations is a+bx + c+dx = (a+b)+(c+d)x.

I hope that helps. For your last question, yes, in order to prove that a collections of things (such as the collection of all possible cubic equations) is a vector space, you need to show that each of the axioms (rules) is satisfied for all possible combinations. Generally this is not a hard task but just rather a tedious one as my 'proof' that the community rule held in the previous post.