I am a little confused as to how I can compute the limit for this.
Problem 8. Let \(\displaystyle \, \left(a_n\right)_{n=0}^{\infty}\,\) be a sequence defined via the recursion
. . . . .\(\displaystyle a_{n+2}\, =\, 2\,a_{n+1}\, +\, a_n,\, \mbox{ for }\, n\, \geq\, 0\)
Assume that a0 and a1 are not both zero, and assume that
. . . . .\(\displaystyle \dfrac{a_1}{a_0}\, \neq\, 1\, -\, \sqrt{\strut 2\,}\)
Prove the following:
. . . . .\(\displaystyle \displaystyle \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty}\, \dfrac{a_{n+1}}{a_n}\, =\, 1\, +\, \sqrt{\strut 2\,}\)
I know the sequence comes out to be x^2 = 2x + 1 but I am not sure how to proceed further.
Any help?
Problem 8. Let \(\displaystyle \, \left(a_n\right)_{n=0}^{\infty}\,\) be a sequence defined via the recursion
. . . . .\(\displaystyle a_{n+2}\, =\, 2\,a_{n+1}\, +\, a_n,\, \mbox{ for }\, n\, \geq\, 0\)
Assume that a0 and a1 are not both zero, and assume that
. . . . .\(\displaystyle \dfrac{a_1}{a_0}\, \neq\, 1\, -\, \sqrt{\strut 2\,}\)
Prove the following:
. . . . .\(\displaystyle \displaystyle \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty}\, \dfrac{a_{n+1}}{a_n}\, =\, 1\, +\, \sqrt{\strut 2\,}\)
I know the sequence comes out to be x^2 = 2x + 1 but I am not sure how to proceed further.
Any help?
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