The LaTex typesetting system is also available. Its use requires learning programming codes and syntax. You can google for tutorials and examples, but, unless you plan on using it a lot, the learning curve may not be worth the effort for you. Also, be forewarned that there are different implementations of LaTex on the Internet; not everything you may see works the same way here (if at all).
If you'd like to view the coding for any LaTex you see rendered here, you may right-click on the LaTex expression and use the pop-up menu to: Show Math As → TeX Commands.
At this site, each line of LaTex coding must be enclosed within \(\displaystyle \text{[te}\text{x]}\) and \(\displaystyle \text{[/te}\text{x]}\) tags. :cool:
\(\displaystyle \displaystyle \int_{a}^{b} 3x^2 + 7x - 10 \; \text{dx}\)