How much weight can my moped motor handle?


New member
Jun 23, 2019
Hello. i have a moped that has 1kw electric motor, how much maximum weight can i theoretically put on top of that moped and still drive on it about 15km/h? i know that too much weight would in reality broke my moped, although motor would be able to pull that, but if we just calculate the amount of weight 1kw electric motor can handle how much would it be?

(sorry for bad english, not a native speaker)
What does the instruction manual say? What are the technical specifics of this machine?
I thought this was math help website. Im asking theretical maximum pulling power of my electric motor, and only help i get is check the instruction manual. I thought math is about calculating stuff from diffrent kind of variables and having a result. but cheking the manual is not calculating. is it possible to calulate how much weight can 1kw motor pull with 15km/h. Theretically, its not about my motor or what its instruction manual say. this is about all kind of 1kw electric motors and how much weigth can heir motor pull on average.
I thought this was math help website. Im asking theoretical maximum pulling power of my electric motor, and only help i get is check the instruction manual. I thought math is about calculating stuff from diffrent kind of variables and having a result. but cheking the manual is not calculating. is it possible to calulate how much weight can 1kw motor pull with 15km/h. Theretically, its not about my motor or what its instruction manual say. this is about all kind of 1kw electric motors and how much weigth can heir motor pull on average.
Apparently, you have NOT taken a formal course in Physics!!

If you are pulling a load on a "perfectly" horizontal road with "insignificant"friction loss - then you can pull any amount (~infinite) of "vertical" load with "constant velocity". In this "theoretical" case the rated-power of the motor (including the instruction manual) does not matter.
Think about this- If you are on ice, then you can put more weight on the motor to have it move 15km/h then if you were riding on a surface that had MUCH more friction.

Also, how much weight you can put on the motor is a function of the weight of the motor.