Dwight was born on Sunday 6-23-46 and died Sunday 3-26-23. The odds that Dwight was born on a Sunday and died on a Sunday are 1 in 7. How many palindromes can you identify and how odd is Dwight?
This is such an odd question, I have to ask: Where does it come from? It is just a puzzle, or what?
Also, my first impression when I saw the title was that it was a typo, and you meant "How
old is Dwight?" That is, in fact, a question you could answer (particularly if it means "How old
was Dwight
at his death?" And it makes a lot more sense.
Also, the question contains a
lie: the odds are not "1 in 7";
odds would be stated as "1
to 7", and even that is incorrect. (The
probability that
he was born and died on Sunday is
1; and the probability that an arbitrary person would be born and die on Sunday is
So I have to ask again, "Where in the world does this come from?"