How do I find the area of an egg

Are you asking about "real" egg - chicken egg, lizard egg, ostrich egg, which one?
well it does not matter the is surely there is a formula that can be applied to eggs since they all look similar but are different in scale, therefore formula can be applied to all of them.
Assuming a 3-D ellipsoid egg, the surface area:
[math]S=2\pi b^2(1+\frac{asin^{-1}(c)}{bc})[/math]where a is the major radius, b is the minor radius, and the [imath]c= \sqrt{1-\frac{b^2}{a^2}}[/imath] (the eccentricity of the ellipse). When c approaches 0, you get the surface area of a sphere, namely [imath]4\pi b^2[/imath].
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