How do I enter this in my calculator?


New member
Oct 25, 2011
I'm using a Ti-83plus, basically I took the anti-derivative of e^(1/x) so that I can find that area under that curve. It occured to me I don't know how to enter Ei into my calculator. Google literally failed me.
On the ti-83PLUS e is located above the divide symbol.

Hit [2nd] [÷].

Also there is a shortcut for \(\displaystyle e^{x}\)

Hit [2nd] [LN]

So for example, if you wanted to enter \(\displaystyle e^2\) the fastest way is to Hit [2nd] [LN] then 2 and close the bracket.

Hope this helps
I mean for example, I got this as the anti-derivative: e^(1/x) - Ei(1/x). Since I'm trying to calculate the area under this curve from 1 to 10, I'm not sure how to calculate this or input into my calculator e^(1/x) - Ei(1/x)
I got this as the anti-derivative: e^(1/x) - Ei(1/x)

You're not trying to tell us that the TI-83+ gave you this antiderivative, are you?

Ei() is the "exponential integral function", and it is not built into that calculator.

From where did you get this antiderivative? It does not look correct; I'm thinking that there's a factor of x missing.
OIC. You did not correctly copy the antiderivative from that page.

If you need more help with your exercise, please give us the instructions and tell us what you're currently doing in class.

Cheers :cool: