1. The problem statement, all variables and given/known data
Find the critical point of f(x)=(-5x^2+3x)/(2x^2-5), and show whether this point is a max/min.
2. Relevant equations
3. The attempt at a solution
When I tried solving for the derivative of; f(x)=(-5x^2+3x)/(2x^2-5), I got (-6x^2+50x-15)/2x^2-5)^2.
then I set it equal to 0 and I got 0=-6x^2+50x-15
Now from here do I use the quadratic formula to solve for x? I tried that and I am getting x=(25+sqrt535)/6 and x=(25-sqrt535)/6. Have I done it right so far? When I try to plug in the x-values into the original eq to get y my calc says error... What do I do now?