Hot Crypt

Back as is = to reverse "as" -> "sa" but keep "is"
hosting = indicator for inserting
distant = far
expeditions = sa + far + is = safaris (answer).
Correctomundo! You're a better solver than I am. :)

I'd reworded this one because I didn't know whether you're familiar with common crossword abbreviations (like "hotel"=H or "South America"=SA).
I am not [familiar with common crossword abbreviations].
They trip me up, regularly. o_O Some are not too bad, for examples, "daughter"=D, "ring"=O, "loves"="OO" (from tennis), "vitamin"=BI.

Some are not intuitive for me at all, like "salt"=AB (able-bodied seaman), "artist"=RA (Brits: Royal Academy), "will"=LL and "queen"=ER (who knows).

So, beware

PS: Original wording was South America is following distant expeditions