Your best bet is to get common denominators, or the number on the bottom of the equation. Are you better at multiplying or dividing?
Here are some examples so I don't give away the answers. 3/8 is greater than 1/4. So you say to yourself "How can I get 4 into 8?" the answer is to multiply the entire 1/4th by 2- so it becomes 2/4. 2 is greater than 3, so the statement is true.
Dividing: I'm going to do the same equation as above.
3/8 is greater than 1/4. So you say to yourself "How can I get 8 into 4?" the answer is to divide the entire 3/8 by 2- so it becomes 1.5/4. 1.5 is greater than 1, so the statement is true.
I've always been a fan of multiplying, so I'd use the top method. Make sure to look at both of them to see what would make the most sense to you. Remember: an odd number divided by 2 always ends in .5... I figure it out like this: 7 divided by 2=?. 3+3=6, and that's one number short of my goal number, so the answer is 3.5... does that make sense?