Hi so I've been working on this proof and posted it to physics forums and got a lot of hate. Please help?


New member
Oct 18, 2019
The Fundamental Proof of Geometric Space Time

1. Given a particle with function describing its motion approaching a singularity (or
indeterminate) location at point q then.

Lim t→∞ e^t(cos(ø)+x/0+y/0+⋯)=(x/0+y/0+⋯+n/0 )e^t
e^t(cos(ø)+x/0+y/0+⋯)=e^t ɑ-p=-ne^t-p
p = 10^-34(6.62607004)

2. If and only if x,y…n are all time dependent (t) functions.
3. A new area of space time will form when a particle reaches the singularity with the total energy of that space time being equal to p.
4. At point q (singularity) n=1/1.
5. Any violation of conservation of mass, energy, charge, or color is handled via hawking radiation from lower dimensions.
1. Space time forms a geometrically equivalent form to a hemisphere tangent to the singularity at point q.
2. The speed of light is not constant but equal to c^x where x is equal to the dimension.
3. Any violation of conservation of mass, energy, charge, or color is handled via hawking radiation from lower dimensions.
4. e is now redefined as a fundamental constant that describes the ratio of change between a lower and higher dimension (This was discovered after looking at the further derivation continued below.) The ratio between these 2 fundamental values t,y is equal to e and t=dimension. The connection between time and space is equal to (p-te^t/5)

Further Calculations

4d → e =mc^8
3d/4d =1=c^6
2ln(1) = 2ln(1)-c^6
This calculation lines up remarkably well with the known standard that dark matter out numbers regular matter 6 to 1.
e=mc^2 e=mc^3

e/(6^c+1)=x → Potential energy at point q. Particle enters the new space time,
This implies that a particle spends time orbiting the singularity gaining enough speed to be able to break out of the gravitational pull (in the new spatial dimension.)

dx = e/c+1 → Acceleration at point q. Further proving that this equilibrium is unstable in the positive direction

e represents the ratio of change between dimensions.
0D →y = 2te-p
1D y'→=2te^2t/0+et+ln(|C1|)
2D y't→ =4ln(+/-1)+(4te)+ln2(|t|) +x
3D →y’'=8e^t+4eln^2(|t|)+e+5
e+/- = -e
4D →y(3)=36te^5+ t
5D →y(5)=36te^6 +12-e

The 4th Dimension is when things stop becoming increasingly complex as n increases
Case 2→ 6D y=(et^/6t)1/5
Case 3→6D y(5)=(cos(ᛰ)6t^et)1/5 t=dimension

The connection between time and space is equal to (ptet/5).

Closest black hole to Earth is 3000 light years away tet^4t=pt^3t+p
y= 2t/4=t
(y)16=9(et^12/3)→equation for position of time
y’’=e^(-1/8t)/3338+2e→equation for the acceleration of time
y’=73-1/8-2e=0→ equation for the flow of time
3000=73-1/8-2e=0=(2e/73)8=3000=t→100% accurate description of the flow of time

Interesting Implications

1. It is logical to assume that if this is how the universe operates there was once a time where all energy in the universe was in a single point and expanded to 2d and onward.
2. This proof also seems to solve such issues as the indeterminate nature of black holes, explains the introduction of dark matter into our universe as well as match the calculated amount of dark matter compared to regular matter in our universe as well as dark energy.
3. This proof also provides an easy escape to higher dimensions for applications as well as seemingly easily providing a reason for our apparent infinite and accelerating universe.
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I'm not going to do the "hating" thing (I try to avoid it, though I've had a few moments.) I find that most of what you have written here is incomprehensible. I get the impression that some of the points you are trying to make are condensed from longer discussions. Please take some time and flesh some of this out so that we can understand what you are trying to say. (Learning some basic LaTeX would help as well.)

I can make a quick comment on one thing though. Hawking radiation takes place at the event horizon of a black hole, not at the actual singularity. And there are other kinds of singularities where Hawking radiation doesn't occur.

you're right I should type up the fundamental math proof before trying to apply it ty.
Lim t→∞ et (cos(ø)+x/0+y/0+⋯)=(x/0+y/0+⋯+n/0 )et
e^t(cos(ø)+x/0+y/0+⋯)=e^t ɑ-p=-ne^t-p
p = 10-34(6.62607004)
1. If and only if x,y…n are all time dependent (t) functions.
2. A new area of space will form at point q and have the value of the magnitude of p.
3. At point q (singularity) n=1/1.

this is the math proof that correlates to it
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Lim t→∞ et (cos(ø)+x/0+y/0+⋯)=(x/0+y/0+⋯+n/0 )et
e^t(cos(ø)+x/0+y/0+⋯)=e^t ɑ-p=-ne^t-p
p = 10-34(6.62607004)
1. If and only if x,y…n are all time dependent (t) functions.
2. A new area of space will form at point q and have the value of the magnitude of p.
3. At point q (singularity) n=1/1.

this is the math proof that correlates to it
Okay, but what is that equation supposed to represent? What does x/0 mean? What is p? (It looks like Planck's constant?) How does that fit in with anything?

Start with the basics, give definitions, and work your way up.

Hey I'm currently working on this and I'm not a super smart guy but I believe I had a break through and found out how to write down my thoughts in a cohesive fashion to form a perfect geometric solution to the Universe and the reason fundamental constants are what they are here.
Please, at least answer topsquark's question, "what do you mean by x/0?" so we will have a chance of understanding what you are saying!
Hey I'm currently working on this and I'm not a super smart guy but I believe I had a break through and found out how to write down my thoughts in a cohesive fashion to form a perfect geometric solution to the Universe and the reason fundamental constants are what they are here.
This is exactly the problem:
[math]\lim_{t \to \infty} w(m, t, c, q, g) e^{4mcq} \text{ ...}[/math]
Okay, so w is a real number depending on m, t, c, q, g (where c does not operate propertly in 6D.) for a particle approaching a black hole.

What does w represent? Is "g" supposed to be "G"? Why doesn't c act properly in 6D and why do we care about 6 dimensions? (ie. why are you not using space-time?) A derivation has a starting point (what is the problem you are trying to solve, what are your definitions, what is the model you are using, how do you get from the start of the derivation to the end of the derivation, etc.) We need information, not just a bunch of comments.

We are not inside of your head. You have to tell us what you are doing and why! If this is the way that you presented this on PhysicsForums I'm not surprised that they got cranky. Talk to us!
