i made the picture.......but how do i put the numbers?
and where
Draw AB with points A and B 2inches apart. construct a
line prependicular to AB at point A. Locate point X on
the prependicular 1 inch from point A (to the south),
and then draw BX. Number the four angles with vvertex
A as angles 1 - 4, numbering counterclockwise starting
with <BAX as <1 . Number the four angles with vertex
B as angles 5 - 8, numbering countercloakwise statring
with <ABX as <5. Number the four angles with vertex X
as angles 9 - 12 , numbering countercloakwise starting
with <AXG as <9.
and where
Draw AB with points A and B 2inches apart. construct a
line prependicular to AB at point A. Locate point X on
the prependicular 1 inch from point A (to the south),
and then draw BX. Number the four angles with vvertex
A as angles 1 - 4, numbering counterclockwise starting
with <BAX as <1 . Number the four angles with vertex
B as angles 5 - 8, numbering countercloakwise statring
with <ABX as <5. Number the four angles with vertex X
as angles 9 - 12 , numbering countercloakwise starting
with <AXG as <9.