HELPPPPPPP!!!!!!!! meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee plzzzzzzzzzzzzz


New member
Oct 27, 2005
Hey, can you anyone help me!!!! here's the question:

This formula tells you how tall a boy is likely to be when he grows up.

Add the mother's and father's heights.
Divide by2
Add 7 cm to the result.

The boy is likely to be this height,plus or minus 10cm.

Marcs' mother is 168cm tall.
His father is 194cm tall.

what is the greatest height marc is likely to be when he grows up?
show your working:
Re: HELPPPPPPP!!!!!!!! meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee plzzzzzzzzz

How about we change the order?

maths! said:
Marcs' mother is 168cm tall.
His father is 194cm tall.

Add the mother's and father's heights.
Divide by2
Add 7 cm to the result.

what is the greatest height marc is likely to be when he grows up?
show your working:

The boy is likely to be this height,plus or minus 10cm.

P.S: Could you please inform me as to how "HELPPPPPPP" and "plzzzzzzzzz" are pronounced. The first seems like a real killer for the lips and the latter may attract flying insects.
you just asked me about how to pronounce the words and they are pronounced as please
ok now i'm confused, can you just go through it with me because i don't understand ?
I would like you to follow these instructions
maths! said:
Marcs' mother is 168cm tall.
His father is 194cm tall.

Add the mother's and father's heights.
Divide by2
Add 7 cm to the result.
Excellent work. Now, we are told
The boy is likely to be this height,plus or minus 10cm.
and are asked
what is the greatest height marc is likely to be when he grows up?

I think you know how to proceed (from what you mentioned in a previous post).
Well done. <- I misinterpreted your post to mean "yeah that's what the answer is".
no i was asking am i doing it right, just in case you were saying 188-10 instead of adding it
Yeah, I misinterpreted your earlier post. You are absolutely correct. Subtracting 10 would give the boy's minimum possible height.