
happy cheese,

y=2x+18 is the equation of straight line.

You know that x-axis is horizontal right.

Now, tilt a line that is along x-axis by 63.4 degrees (in the counter-clockwise) and push it up 18 units, then you end up with the line y=2x+18.

In the equation, '2' is called the slope. Sounds boring? Here 2=tan(theta) and theta=atan(2)=63.4 degrees as mentioned previously.

Is this what you needed help with?


Note: The equation of x-axis is y=0. Does that make sense? Can you explain why?

it kinda did i was wondering more where the points would go on a graph

The line is given in the slope-intercept form. We know one point is (0,18) (the y-intercept). Since the slope is 2, move one unit to the right and two units up to the point (1,20). Now extend a line through these two points and you have a graph of the line.