


My son who never has math problems is....He needs help with Intergens and I don't even know what they are....Math is not my thing...Someone please advise me where to go to help him...
You will get help at this forum.

If you post a specific question or query!
Are you possibly referring to "integers"? If so, they should be defined in any dictionary: the whole numbers, their negatives, and zero.

Yes, That sounds like what he says..Dictionary does'nt help I need an explanation of how it works. Maybe an example of a problem. I f anyone can show me maybe I can help him.
ccalvert said:
I need an explanation of how it works.
How what works? You haven't specified a topic; you've only listed a word.

Please clarify. Thank you.

Just tell him an integer is a WHOLE NUMBER. Take for example, 5. That is an integer. 5.1 however is not. Negative numbers like -5, and the number 0 are also integers.
Eliz you must be a whole lot smarter than I am soooo I'll just talk to the others ..Thanks though!!!! To the others thanks I'll start there and see if that helps..
ccalvert said:
Eliz you must be a whole lot smarter than I am....
I'm sorry that saying the same thing the other said, but faster, offended you. Sheesh. :roll:

Hey! Who are you, ccalvert, to come on here and insult the best tutor STAPEL!?
I'm someone who needs help and don't know how to ask the right questions! Like I said I lack in Math and thought I could get help here. If I knew the answers I would'nt have been asking.....I even spelled it wrong so that should have given anyone the idea I really needed help. Not smart replies. Euler seemed to get that and I really apprecated the example..I need to start at the beginning of integers and figure them out..Any ideas where that would be..Not offened just frustrated...
I'm the mom! Soooo its been along time, if ever that I did this kind of math! Exactly...I'm confused!!!
I'm going to guess that you're asking for lessons on integers or, since you're no doubt already familiar with the counting numbers, specifically the negative integers.

Please note that we cannot teach classes in this environment, and I could not locate a lesson on this topic on FreeMathHelp.

Please consider looking online to find lessons that might help. For instance, you could use search words such as "negative", "number", and "lesson", and see what Google comes up with.

Thanks again Eliz for your kind help!!!!! Since you are the only one who seems to be able to reply I will try other sources.....Hope others are able to benefit from your knowledge..I sure have'nt
Here are some integers;


See a pattern? Integers are always whole numbers. That's all you need to know about them.

Here are some things that aren't an integer…

the square root of 2.

If someone asked you to find an integer in this list, which would you pick?

Lookit mom; you can't expect the impossible...

Here's your original post:
"My son who never has math problems is....He needs help with Intergens and I don't even know what they are....Math is not my thing...Someone please advise me where to go to help him..."

How would YOU react if YOU received this as a question:

My son who never has Grammar problems is....He needs help with Letters and I don't even know what they are....Grammar is not my thing...Someone please advise me where to go to help him...

Would you not need to ask a couple of questions before answering?