Help with Tree diagram


New member
Aug 16, 2005
Can someone help me to understand how to draw a tree diagram? It seems so simple when there are two choices, but what I have is:

Draw a tree diagram to represent all of the outcomes of the number of girls in a family of four children. All possible combinations of girls and boys for 4 children.

I missed this question on my last quiz. I'm just not getting it.

Thanks -
#1 B or G - That's a branch split once. Label B, G
#2 B or G - From each node already there, split to two more nodes. Label B, G, B, G
#3 B or G - From each end node, split to two more nodes. Label B, G, B, G, B, G, B, G, B, G, B, G, B, G
#4 B or G - From each end node, split to two more nodes. Label B, G, B, G, B, G, B, G, B, G, B, G, B, G, B, G, B, G, B, G, B, G, B, G, B, G, B, G

As far as anyone knows, the trials do not interfere with each other (until after they are born), so no nodes or branches can be eliminated.

Why are you struggling with this? Just leaving space for branches going various directions?
Hello, Tracey!

Sorry, but I don't understand your difficulty . . .
If you can draw other tree diagrams, this should be easy.

Can someone help me to understand how to draw a tree diagram?
It seems so simple when there are two choices . . but there are only two choices!

Draw a tree diagram to represent all possible combinations of girls and boys for 4 children.
For the first child, there are two choices: Girl or Boy.
For the second child, there are two choices: Girl or Boy.
\(\displaystyle \;\;\) and so on . . .
                          /     \
                       /           \
                    /                 \
                 G                       B
               /   \                   /   \
             /       \               /       \
           G           B           G           B
         /   \       /   \       /   \       /   \
        G     B     G     B     G     B     G     B
       / \   / \   / \   / \   / \   / \   / \   / \
      G   B G   B G   B G   B G   B G   B G   B G   B