help with square root


New member
Feb 29, 2012
Hi I need help with a mathematical problem. KThe problem given is r to the second power and this is the numerator, and the denominator is 8 = 9. What is the answer and how is this configured.

Thanks CJ
Hi I need help with a mathematical problem. KThe problem given is r to the second power and this is the numerator, and the denominator is 8 = 9. What is the answer and how is this configured.

Thanks CJ

Do you want to solve for r

\(\displaystyle \displaystyle{\frac{r^2}8 = 9}\)

If so: Multiply both sides of the equation by the denominator, then calculate the square-root of both sides.
Or do the same thing in the opposite order- take the square root of both sides (\(\displaystyle \sqrt{8}= \sqrt{(4)(2)}= 2\sqrt{2}\))- then divide both sides by \(\displaystyle 2\sqrt{2}\).