Help with hoses pleaase!


New member
Feb 2, 2006
Word Problem:
Next-door neighbors Bob and Jim use hoses from both houses to fill Bob's swimming pool. They know it takes 18 h using both hoses. They also know that Bob's hose, used alone, takes 20% less time than Jim's hose alone. How much time is required to fill the pool by each hose alone?

I came up with 9h and 11h. Please help!
Does it make sense that it takes longer to fill it using two hoses than it does with one?
You should know that answer is wrong!

Hint: If it takes two hours with one hose, that hose fills 1/2 in one hour.
If it takes four hours with the other hose, that hose fills 1/4 in one hour.
Together They fill 1/2+1/4 in one hour.
Please show your work.