Help with Geometry please

Mime13 said:
Okay so I'm trying to figure out Proof number 19 from this site.

Even after reading their description of how they solved it I don't really understand it. Could someone please help explain it?
Thanks a bunch!

Instead of just reading - use paper and pencil and follow line by line.

Let us know which line do you get stuck on.
I was confused on the last line.

(ab2/AC)·AB + AB·AC = (AB·BC/AC)·BC. Dividing by AB/AC leads to AB2 + AC2 = BC2

I didn't know how they got (ab2/AC)·AB + AB·AC to equal (AB·BC/AC)·BC. And after that I didn't see why AB/AC would lead to AB2 + AC2 = BC2

Thanks a lot!
Mime13 said:
I was confused on the last line.

(ab2/AC)·AB + AB·AC = (AB·BC/AC)·BC. Dividing by AB/AC leads to AB2 + AC2 = BC2

I didn't know how they got (ab2/AC)·AB + AB·AC to equal (AB·BC/AC)·BC.

The line before - it tells you

Area(ABD) + Area(ABC) = Area(DBC)

Use pencil and paper so that you can write it down (don't just read it)

The next line comes from factoring out (AB/AC) from - which is same as dividing by (AB/AC)- all the terms.

And after that I didn't see why AB/AC would lead to AB2 + AC2 = BC2

Thanks a lot!