Help with ferris wheel question


New member
Dec 20, 2011
Thanks for the help I received from the members of this forum.

My question:

The Niagara Falls SkyWheel is one of the tallest Ferris wheels in North America, is in Niagara Falls Ontario. It has a diameter of 50.5 m and rotates 1 revolution in 2 minutes. The lowest point on the wheel is 2.5 m from the ground.

a) Sketch a graph that shows the height of a rider over time for one rotation.

b) What is the highest point a rider will reach?

c)Write an equation that will model the height of the rider over time.

d)Use the equation to find the height of the rider after 10 secs.

e)How would the graph and the equation change if the SkyWheel was set to a maximum speed of 1.5 revolutions per minute?

I have calculated this so far:
prt.a) 50.5m + 2.5 m = 52.7 m

prt.b) 52.7 m + 2.5 m = 55.2 m

I would like to know if I am on the right track, if not can you help?


Thanks for the help I received from the members of this forum.

My question:

The Niagara Falls SkyWheel is one of the tallest Ferris wheels in North America, is in Niagara Falls Ontario. It has a diameter of 50.5 m and rotates 1 revolution in 2 minutes. The lowest point on the wheel is 2.5 m from the ground.

a) Sketch a graph that shows the height of a rider over time for one rotation.

b) What is the highest point a rider will reach?

c)Write an equation that will model the height of the rider over time.

d)Use the equation to find the height of the rider after 10 secs.

e)How would the graph and the equation change if the SkyWheel was set to a maximum speed of 1.5 revolutions per minute?

I have calculated this so far:
prt.a) 50.5m + 2.5 m = 52.7 m

prt.b) 52.7 m + 2.5 m = 55.2 m

I would like to know if I am on the right track, if not can you help?



Part a) asks for a sketch, so I am confused by your answer to part a). As for Part b), if the diameter is 50.5m and the lowest point is 2.5m off the ground, then wouldn't the highest point a rider would be at just be 50.5m + 2.5M = 53m?

For Part c), do you know what kind of equation they want? I assume this is a problem dealing with trig...hint hint.

hello srmichael,

Thank you for the help and the correction of problem
