I need help with a formula for a music related website I am building. On the site there will be a "popularity chart" that is used to determine how popular a band/artist is on the website. There are four pieces of criteria that I want to use to determine this. Number of Fans, Unique daily page views (artists have their own Myspace style web page), Unique daily song plays and artist review score. The first three are self-explanatory, but to elaborate on artist review score, for every artist that creates a profile on the website, up to 1000 randomly chosen fans will be prompted to "review" any given artists music on a simple 1-5 scale. 1 meaning they don't like the artists music and 5 meaning they love it. Now the problem I am having is determining how to equally weigh (25% per criterion) these four categories into my formula since 3 of the determinants are open ended (i.e. a band could have 1,000,000 page views, song plays or friends) but only 1000 artist review votes (which will come to an average artist review score). I would appreciate any help that someone can offer in regards to creating an optimal formula to most fairly determine an artists popularity using these four factors.