sweetbabygrl74 said:
I am confused on the equation that is suppose to be used. This is what I started with but think I am doing this wrong.
You posted this reply while I was typing my previous message. Sorry for the mix-up!
It looks like you missed the days when they covered function notation in class. We obviously cannot replace those hours of classroom instruction, and it is to be regretted that your textbook and the class notes you got from a friend aren't proving helpful.
Fortunately, there are loads of great lessons available
online. Please take an hour or so, and study a few lessons, making sure to work through a few of the examples provided. The concepts and methods are really pretty simple (you'll be surprised, I think). :wink:
Once you have learned the basic terms and techniques, please attempt the exercise. If you get stuck, please reply showing your work and reasoning for each part (or at least for parts (a) and (c), since (b) works the same as (a)), and we'll be glad to try to help you get un-stuck.
Thank you!