Help Please


New member
Aug 9, 2005
Hello.. I've been trying to figure out a problem that has been driving me nuts all night can someone please help me! I'm doing this problem by hand and I will show the steps that I've done so far. The problem is The definite Integral of (x^3+ absoulte value of the cos(x)) Evaluated on the interval of -pi to pi So Far I have split the two up and i found that the integral of x^3 equals zero because it's on the interval of -pi to pi. But the absolute value of cos(x) i have no idea what to do to evalute that. Can someone show me step by step how this is done. Thanks

If you notice the graph, as compared to 'regular' cosine, it lies only on the

positive y-axis. You could integrate \(\displaystyle \L\\2\int_{\frac{{-\pi}}{2}}^

{\frac{\pi}{2}}{x^{3}+(cos(x))}dx\) to get the same thing.

Just a thought.