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New member
Oct 28, 2020
As a jet aircraft exceeds the speed of sound, it sets up a shock wave that may be heard as a sonic boom if the sound barrier is broken close to Earth. The speed of sound varies with the air temperature. A formula for the speed of sound in km/h , based on the temperature of the gas or air in degrees Kelvin and the molecular mass of the gas in g / m * o * l , is the formulaTequals temperature, s equals speed of sound, and m is the molecular mass of the gas or air. s = 389sqrt(T/m)
Can you show us your work so we know what type of help you need?
As a jet aircraft exceeds the speed of sound, it sets up a shock wave that may be heard as a sonic boom if the sound barrier is broken close to Earth. The speed of sound varies with the air temperature. A formula for the speed of sound in km/h , based on the temperature of the gas or air in degrees Kelvin and the molecular mass of the gas in g / m * o * l , is the formulaTequals temperature, s equals speed of sound, and m is the molecular mass of the gas or air. s = 389sqrt(T/m)
What is the question?

Where is the work that we are supposed to help with?
So, is altitude, which is given in part a as 4.9 kilometers, an explicit variable in the formula?

Is temperature?

Is molar mass?

What is the temperature for part a?

What is the molar mass for part a?

How do you translate that information into the formula?
What does the problem tell you that T stands for?

What does the problem tell you that s stands for?

What does the problem tell you that m stands for?

Are there any other letters in the formula?

Is there a letter in the formula that you are told stands for altitude?