help needed on triangle problem!


New member
May 21, 2007
hey guys, this is my first post here, and i'm in need of some help! :oops:

well, here is the problem. i bet it probably isn't too hard, but its giving me loads of trouble...

You have a pipe cleaner with two endpoints, one labeled A and the other C. you make a bend named B, so that line segment AB is half of BC. you ten make another bend anywhere between B and C. What is the probability that you will make a triangle when you choose point X?

thanks for the help in advance!!
You didn't tell us that 'x' was the point fo the new bend.

A triangle requires the "Triangle Inequality". What does it take to make each of:

1) AB + BX >= XC
2) BX + XC >= AB
3) XC + AB >= BX

You must do them all!
Your teacher should be fired for such a confusing problem!

Something like this would be much clearer:
You have a rod of length 1 and a rod of length 2.
You cut at random rod length 2, getting 2 rods, lengths x and 2-x.
What is the probability that the 3 rods can form a triangle?