Help my teen, please!


New member
Oct 27, 2010
Hi there----I helped as much as I a couple of weeks I will be able to get her a tutor...But right now, all she has her mom who doesn't know squat diddly about math stuff :< I hope sopmeone can assist in helping her learn how to do this, step by step...she has worked on her other math, and that seems ok. Thanx in advance!!!!

Find monthly payment & total accrued interest for ea amoritzed loan.
18.$3000 @ 12%(12) for 18 months.
20. $18,000 @ 9%(4) for 6 years.

Again, it will help us to have your daughter join the conversation (in fact, you could drop out), and explain what she's learned so far about amortizations.

These boards do not really comprise an online classroom.

People tell us where they are stuck; we address that issue.

The volunteers here are not paid; we often do not have the time to start at square one with each person.

Have your daughter ask some specific questions about what it is that she does not understand in her lessons, please.
