Help identify the type of problem this is?

New member
Jan 26, 2015

I'm studying for my math test on Friday, and on the review is a question i have never come across, what type of problem is this?

W = ht2 for h

The answer guide say this is what the result is..

\(\displaystyle \Huge{h\, =\, \dfrac{W}{t^2}}\, \). . .\(\displaystyle \Huge{x\, =\, 1.76}\)

Anyone have any idea on the name of this type of problem, and possibly be able to walk me through how to solve it?
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...on the review is a question i have never come across, what type of problem is this
Your links to "tinypic" don't resolve. Please reply with the typed-out text of the exercise and its solution. Thank you! ;)
You have

"\(\displaystyle W= ht^2\) for for h"

You are missing the word "solve". I would be inclined to suspect that this is one of a listing of problems with the word "Solve" at the top so applying to all of them. You need to get h alone. Now h is not alone because it is multiplied by \(\displaystyle t^2\). What do you need to do to "undo" multiplying by \(\displaystyle t^2\).