Heighth of a golf ball


New member
Feb 23, 2005
A golf ball goes 40 yards in 1.31 seconds. Theda=60 degrees
How far it goes is x=rcos(theda)t [this is t times cos theda]
How high it is at "t" is y=rsin(theda)t-16(t squared)

I got that r=61.07, but am stuck after that. Thank you for your help![/img]
Hello, Zekette!

Yes, please give us the <u>original</u> wording of the problem.
There are serious gaps in this version.

A golf ball goes 40 yards in 1.31 seconds.
Does this mean that the ball hits the ground then ... or is it still in the air?

Theta=60 degrees . . . I assume this is the angle of elevation

How far it goes is: x = r(cosθ)t

How high it is: y = r(sinθ)t - 16t<sup>2</sup>

I got that r = 61.07, . . . not correct **
but am stuck after that. . . . Stuck on what? What was the question?
** From the "16" in the equation, the distances are in <u>feet</u>.
. . . And 40 yards = 120 feet.

Sorry for the lack of information. The question is how high does the golf ball go? As in, it's maximum heighth. R in feet would be 183.2? I don't know how to go any farther than that. THANK YOU!!
Taking what you wrote literally I get
40*3 = 120 = r*cos(60)*1.31
r = 183.2 ft/sec
y = r*sin(60)t-16t^2 =
183.2*.866*t-16t^2 =
The vertex is t = -b/2a =
-158.66/(2*(-16)) =
4.96 seconds
y = 158.66*4.96-16((4.96)^2 =
393 feet high.
Incidently it goes about 909 feet before it hits the ground. That's some drive. Must have ued a shotgun.

I'm a little confused as to what you were doing. I think I have an idea of how to do it. This is what I did:
I took the derivative of the y= equation and got rcos(theda)-32t
I set this equal to 0 to find the extremum point, and got t=2.8625
I put it back into the equation so I had: y=183.2sin60(degrees)*2.8625-16*(2.8625^2)
y=323 ft
Is this correct?
As I said, I took you at your word.
A golf ball goes 40 yards in 1.31 seconds
How far it goes is x=rcos(theda)t
Putting those two statements together (Nothing is said about the ball hitting the ground) lets you solve for r which is the velocity of the ball.
That's where I got
40*3 = 120 = r*cos(60)*1.31
r = 183.2 ft/sec
Then I used r in the second equation to get
y = r*sin(60)t-16t^2 =
183.2*.866*t-16t^2 =
I used the vertex formula to find the t of the vertex.
The vertex is t = -b/2a =
-158.66/(2*(-16)) =
4.96 seconds
Then I solved the second equation for the height at that time.

As to your solution. You used theta as a variable. It is a constant (60 degrees) so the derivitive is
If you use that you get the same (strange) answer as I did.
The ball hits the ground 40 yds away after 1.31 seconds.
How do you have a b and an a?
Why won't you type what the book says?

Everyone who has tried to help you has asked you to do that and you keep ignoring us.
I would be fascinated to see how you solve
120 = r*cos(60)*(1.31)
0 = r*sin(60)*(1.31)-16*(1.31)^2
for the same value of r which would have to be true if if the ball hits the ground (height zero) at 40 yards after 1.31 seconds.

The a and b come from the standard quadratic equation.
y = ax² + bx + c
Haven't you met the quadratic solution?
x = (-b+sqrt(b²-4ac))/2a
I'm using the same a and b. In fact the vertex equation comes from that. Same -b and 2a.
There was no book, that was the information our teacher gave us. But, it's ok, i got his help on it. Thank you anyways!
I would like to know the answer too. Would you share your work?