Have I discovered the Tardis's secret?

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New member
Aug 15, 2013
Volume of y = 1/5 (x-12)^3 + 2.95 when rotating around the x axis in the range x = 7 to 12 is 959.964 as per WolframAlpha BUT y = 1/5 (x-12)^3 + 2.8 is 975.868 where as it should be less because the curve has shifted closer to the x axis and therefore should have less volume. It is bigger on the inside than the outside.

No solution.
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Volume of y = 1/5 (x-12)^3 + 2.95 when rotating around the x axis in the range x = 7 to 12 is 959.964 as per WolframAlpha BUT y = 1/5 (x-12)^3 + 2.8 is 975.868 where as it should be less because the curve has shifted closer to the x axis and therefore should have less volume. It is bigger on the inside than the outside.
May have resolved this.
Yep, that's the tardis' secret all right!!

Volume of revolution about the x axis:- integrate (pi*(1/5(x-12)^3+2.95)^2 from 7.15 to 12.38 = 763.41 units cubed AND Volume of revolution about the x axis:- integrate (pi*(1/5(x-12)^3+2.85)^2 from 7.15 to 12.38 = 771.262 BUT the 2.85 is a vertical shift of the curve down by 0.1 so the Volume of revolution should be less not more. Bigger on the inside than it is on the outside.
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