Grouping question (not sure what branch of math this is!)


New member
Jun 27, 2013
Hi there,
I have a real world grouping problem here, and I would be exceedingly grateful for any help I can get!

I'm a researcher in the field of applied linguistics who is investigating the language and interaction of students when they are in groups of varying sizes - specifically, in pairs, threes or fours.

I plan to run an experiment in which a class of 24 students will do a discussion with different partners each time, once in a pair, once in a group of 3, and again as a group of 4.

The other restriction is that due to avoid a 'warm-up' effect (practice improves ability), some should do it first in a pair, three and four (i.e. they should not all do it in pairs first, or all in groups of three or four first).

I have tried to work it out just by sorting students into groups and can show the best I have done so far, after a few mind numbing hours.

In the table below I've let each person be represented by a letter, from A - X (24 students)

Group ofFirst RoundSecond Round
Third Round

You can see above that K and M are together in a group of three in the first round and then again in the third round, and E and J are together in the second and again the third. Every time I make a change to put these guys with somebody new each time, I create another combination who have the same partners in a different group!

My questions are:
1) am I doing the impossible here? I kind of think that it is not possible to have zero same partners with the number of 24, but would be happy to hear from a mathematician if there is some proof of this.

2) if it is impossible with a group of 24, with what number(s) is it possible?

Really looking forward to help on this one, much thanks in advance if you can supply an answer!:grin:
There looks to be an awful lot of changing going on each round, so it is nasty to generalize.

Let \(\displaystyle a_1,a_2,a_3\) be the number of groups of size 2 on rounds 1,2,3 respectively.
Let \(\displaystyle b_1,b_2,b_3\) be the number of groups of size 3.
Let \(\displaystyle c_1,c_2,c_3\) be the number of groups of size 4.

In each case we have \(\displaystyle 2a_i+3b_i+4c_i=24\).

There are \(\displaystyle N_{a1}=\dfrac{{24\choose 2}{22\choose 2}\cdots {24-2(a_1+1)\choose 2}}{a_1!}\) ways to pick the people in the two-group size. \(\displaystyle N_{b1}\) comes next. \(\displaystyle N_{b1} = \dfrac{{24-2a_1\choose 3}{24-2a_1-3\choose 3}\cdots {24-2a_1-3(b_1+1)\choose 3}}{b_1!}\). And similarly for \(\displaystyle N_{c1}\).

Now for \(\displaystyle N_{a2}\). The members of the two-group size in round two come from the three and four group sizes. So we have \(\displaystyle 3b_1+4c_1\) to pick from. Hence \(\displaystyle N_{a2} = \dfrac{{3b_1+4c_1\choose 2}{3b_1+4c_1-2\choose 2}\cdots {3b_1+4c_1-2(a_2+1)\choose 2}}{a_2!}\). And \(\displaystyle N_{b2} = \dfrac{{2a_1+4c_1-2a_2\choose 3}{3b_1+4c_1-2a_2-3\choose 3}\cdots {3(b_1-b_2+1)+4c_1-2a_2\choose 3}}{b_2!}\).

And similarly for the (uglier) third grouping case.

What you are interested in are numbers \(\displaystyle a_i,b_i,c_i\) that give you nonzero outcomes for each \(\displaystyle N_{ji}\), in which case there is a solution. If you find some that give a solution, then making choices as per the formula will result in an answer for your problem.
Thanks for answer!

I am not a mathematician, so it will be some time before I can digest your suggestion...

This particular field is quite relevant to a few similar problems I face. Is there any text book you recommend for background reading?

Fortunately I have plenty of time before I need to put this plan into action (March next year!).
Actually, even without investigating the math of this, I'm almost certain that there is no solution.

That is, I don't think its possible to have each member participate in a different group without at least one group repeating partners. The reason is that the groups of 3 or 4 create bottlenecks which can't be beaten.

For example, in the groups arrangement I gave earlier, the K and M double up can be solved by swapping M and B in the first round, but no matter how I swap E and J in the second round, there always remains somebody who will have the same partner in the third round.

Can anyone prove me wrong?