A farmer has three cows ,one heifer and a female calf at the begining of the year .At the end of the year one cow has calved a male calf and the heifer has calved a female calf .One cow is slaughtered and consumed and another is given away as a ide gift .The value of the animals are as follow cow =US$300,heifer=US$ 250,female calf=US$ 75 and male calf =US$65.The cows give 400 itres of milk per lactation andthe household consume 600 litres of milk the rest being sold at US$0.25/litre.The milking animals are given 55 kgs of concentrate during their lactation and the price of the feed is US$ 100 per tonne.The animals are grazed on a five hectare area of farmland ,of which 2 hectares are under food crops.The cows are used for 10 years for ploughing and the daily rate for this activity is US$ 10 on artificial charges.Only family labour was used .
- change in herd value
-enterprise output
-variable costs assoid wih the cattle enterprise
- gross margin of the enterprise
Thank you very much
- change in herd value
-enterprise output
-variable costs assoid wih the cattle enterprise
- gross margin of the enterprise
Thank you very much