Graphing constant functions


New member
Oct 29, 2007
I need help on graphing a constant function. I have been asked to do this in excel and have no idea what it is. Can someone give me an example or something. Appreciated.
In my copy of Excel 2003 SP2, set up so that Line charts are Default chart types, I did this:

Enter 1 in 1A
Put the curson on 1A
Hold down the [alt]key and hit successively "I", "H", "F"


You're kidding, right?
sigh... My question was "what is a constant function, and can I get an example of how you would graph one in excel". I should have been more clear.
bmcclory said:
sigh... My question was "what is a constant function, and can I get an example of how you would graph one in excel". I should have been more clear.

constant function is:

f(x) = 5


y = 5

This is a linear function - so called "horizontal line".

Do you know how to plot non-constant linear functions using Excel?
bmcclory said:
No I don't. How would you, for example, plot 3x + 9 on an excel graph?

Do you know how to plot in excel - if you were given a table with x & y values?

If yes - then create your table and plot.

If no - then read excel user manual regarding the method to use chart wizard.
I guess I'm getting confused because I don't see the difference between a linear function and a constant function. It seems like y=3x+9 would get the same results for both.....
bmcclory said:
I guess I'm getting confused because I don't see the difference between a linear function and a constant function. It seems like y=3x+9 would get the same results for both.....
Is the value of y, for y = 3x + 9, always the same (a constant) value? Or, as x changes, does y also change, so that y is not constant?

In a constant function, the y-value is, well, constant. :wink:

bmcclory said:
I guess I'm getting confused because I don't see the difference between a linear function and a constant function. It seems like y=3x+9 would get the same results for both.....
Constant Function - Horizontal
NonConstant Function - Not Horizontal