Graph Girth and Diameter


New member
Oct 19, 2006
From what I know, the diameter of a graph is the distance between its furthest points.

The Girth of a graph is the shortest path from a vertex to itself.

Consider the following:

Define V to be the set of the 8 vertices of a cub. For any two elements p and q in V, and let {p,q} be an edge of G if and only if p and q belong to one and the same edge of the cube. Determine diameter and girth of G.

Im trying to draw this graph, but im a little confused as to what "if and only if p and q belong to one and the same edge of the cube" means.

I do know that it has 8 vertexs. But I don't know how to distingish which vertexs have a path.
The edges in this graph are really only the “edges of the cube”.
Precisely, the two vertices share the same two different faces of the cube.
You see this rules out any diagonals of the cube.
The diameter of a cube is 3.

We have a diameter of 3 because the distance from 3 to 6 is 3.

We have a girth of 4 because the shortest distance from 3 to 3 is 4 (3 to 1 , 1 to 2, 2 to 3, 4 to 3)
