Grade 4 French math From cheneliere mathematiques


New member
Sep 25, 2007
I really need help on this question. It is in French and I am trying to understand, please help

1. Ecris trois nombres qui donnent 2540 quand tu les arrondis a la dizaine la plus proche.

Thank you
If Babelfish translated faithfully, you need to come up with three numbers which, when rounded to the nearest ten, sum to 2540.

There is no one right answer to this question. One method of creating a solution might be to pick two numbers, subtract their sum from 2540, and then fiddle with the results to get three numbers that don't quite add to 2540, but which, when you round them, do.

Babelfish translation from English to French said:
Il n'y a pas une seule bonne réponse à cette question. Une méthode de créer une solution pourrait être de sélectionner deux nombres, soustrait leur somme de 2540, et puis joue du violon les résultats pour obtenir trois nombres qui ne s'ajoutent pas tout à fait à 2540, mais qui, quand vous rond ils, .
One of the volunteers is familiar with French. If the above is insufficient, he may reply with corrections. If not, then you may need to consider using a French-speaking site for French-language help.

Hey, someone else from Ottawa!

Pourquoi pas:
2538.01 + 1.01 + 1.01 = 2540.03
arrondis: 2538.0 + 1.0 + 1.0 = 2540
Here Is The Text Translated Into English:

Write three numbers that give you 2540 when rounding a dozen closest.

Talk To You Later,
Went to:

Cut and paste your statement to get:

Ecris three numbers that give 2540 when you the round ones has the ten more close.

Question is - if you don't understand french - why are you doing this to yourself by taking this class?

You know things are bound to get harder.....