GMAT question 129


Junior Member
May 9, 2019
This is GMAT question 129 from "GMAT Official Guide 2019 Quantitative Review". The question is "In the sequence x subscript 0, x subscript 1, x subscript 2, ..... x subscript n, each term from x subscript 1 to x subscript k is 3 greater than the previous term, and each term from x subscript k + 1 to x subscript n is 3 less than the previous term, where n and k are positive integers and k < n. If x subscript 0 equals x subscript n equals 0 and if x subscript k equals 15, what is the value of n?" The answer is 10.

I have a hard time understanding what this problem is saying, but my answer is 5 because x subscript 5 equals 15. x subscript 0 equals 0, x subscript 1 equals 3, x subscript 2 equals 6, x subscript 3 equals 9, x subscript 4 equals 12, and x subscript 5 equals 15.

What are they talking about with k + 1??
\(\displaystyle x_0,x_0+3,x_0+6,\dots, x_0+3k,x_0+3(k-1),x_0+3(k-2),\dots, x_n=x_0\)

\(\displaystyle 0,3,6,9,12,15,12,9,6,3,0\)

\(\displaystyle n=10\)
Could you please explain that? Why is it going down back to 0?

This is stated explicitly in the task. You are told that Xk = 15 and that for each term thereafter in the sequence, {Xk+1....Xn}, the value decreases by 3.

So after 15, you should expect to see the values stored in the sequence going back toward zero by increments of three.

You are also told that X0 = Xn = 0.

The beginning and ending value of the sequence is 0. You are to count the number of steps that are required according to the algorithm to go from X0=0 up to Xk = 15 and then to Xn = 0, where every term {X1, X2...Xk} grows by the rule Xa + 1 = Xa + 3, and where {Xk+1....Xn} decreases according to Xa + 1 = Xa - 3.
Wow that is incredible that you are able to understand, "each term from x subscript 1 to x subscript k is 3 greater than the previous term, and each term from x subscript k + 1 to x subscript n is 3 less than the previous term, where n and k are positive integers and k < n. If x subscript 0 equals x subscript n equals 0 and if x subscript k equals 15, what is the value of n?"

When I read this, I am still confused. What is this math jargon and how are you able to read this?
This is GMAT question 129 from "GMAT Official Guide 2019 Quantitative Review". The question is "In the sequence x subscript 0, x subscript 1, x subscript 2, ..... x subscript n, each term from x subscript 1 to x subscript k is 3 greater than the previous term, and each term from x subscript k + 1 to x subscript n is 3 less than the previous term, where n and k are positive integers and k < n. If x subscript 0 equals x subscript n equals 0 and if x subscript k equals 15, what is the value of n?" The answer is 10.

I have a hard time understanding what this problem is saying, but my answer is 5 because x subscript 5 equals 15. x subscript 0 equals 0, x subscript 1 equals 3, x subscript 2 equals 6, x subscript 3 equals 9, x subscript 4 equals 12, and x subscript 5 equals 15.

What are they talking about with k + 1??
xk+1 is the term after xk
The problem says that
1) x0= xn = 0
2) xk =15
3) The initial terms increase by 3 and after xk decrease by3

So 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3, 0
Wow that is incredible that you are able to understand, "each term from x subscript 1 to x subscript k is 3 greater than the previous term, and each term from x subscript k + 1 to x subscript n is 3 less than the previous term, where n and k are positive integers and k < n. If x subscript 0 equals x subscript n equals 0 and if x subscript k equals 15, what is the value of n?"

When I read this, I am still confused. What is this math jargon and how are you able to read this?

Truthfully - and I don't say this to be condescending - I would say this is fairly typical of describing a mathematical sequence, as far as language goes. It's just how math is written verbally. To me, it's just a matter of exposure, which means you just have to do more problems. I find that one place the modern education system does a poor job is helping students to make good connections between our natural language and mathematical language. There is too much focus on just chugging through batteries of exercises instead of applications from verbal prompts.

I also find it helps if you take the word problem bit by bit. If you do this, you'll realize there isn't really much jargon in that passage. We wouldn't typically expect much jargon to appear on the GMAT, being the college aptitude test as it is. More than likely, it's that you didn't encounter a great deal about sequences in your high school math courses (correct me if I'm wrong); which indicates you just need to keep doing more and more practice. The more time you spend actually reading math problems and working them, the more natural the language becomes.

First, what do we know from the passage? (Establish what the passage gives you as identities: "this equals this")
x0 = 0
xk = 15
xn = 0
k < n

From that, you can answer your very first question in this thread. If the subscript k < n in the sequence, but the value stored at xk is greater than the value stored at xn, then you know the sequence will go up to the value at k (15) and then back down to the value at n (0).

What is the passage asking?
It wants to know the value of the subscript n, at xn. Therefore, it is interested in what step in the sequence this is.

Let's continue.

"Each term from x1 to xk is 3 greater than the previous term."

So how could we describe that relationship mathematically?

With the rule: xy+1 = xy + 3

So, x1 = x0 + 3, (or 3)
x2 = x1 + 3, (or 6)
x3 = x2 + 3, (or 9)

You can see that each of the values stored at each additional subscript is just going to be a multiple of 3. You might also notice it is equal to:
3 * subscript, such that we can make a faster rule where xy = 3 * y

Since you know that xk = 15, then 15 = k * 3, and simplifying: k = 5. So xk=5 = 15.

The passage then tells you that, "each term from xk+1 through xn is three less than the previous term."

That means that x6 will equal 3 less than xk=5, so on and so forth until you get to xn. You could go through writing out the rule like we did before and thinking through it that way, and this would be just fine. But the thing to realize is that since xn = 0, then we are going from 15 back to 0 by the same absolute value of increment: 3 (it's just in the negative direction this time).

If getting to 15 required k = 5, then getting back to 0 by the same steps in reverse will require k * 2, or 10.

n = 10

Once you get more familiar with reading problems like this, it will take you 30 seconds to do all of this thinking and arrive at the answer.
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x subscript 0 equals 0, x subscript 1 equals 3, x subscript 2 equals 6, x subscript 3 equals 9, x subscript 4 equals 12, x subscript 5 equals 15. Since we got to fifteen that means we go down now. X subscript 1 equals 12, X subscript 2 equals 9, X subscript 3 equals 6, X subscript 4 equals 3, and X subscript 5 equals 0. 5+5 equals 10, is this it??

I don't know why they had to write x subscript k + 1 and K <n or why they had to have two different variables K and N in a problem?? They should have said that the numbers go down after they hit 15
… What is this math jargon and how are you able to read this?
Hello. A sequence is an ordered list of numbers (we can refer to these numbers as 'elements' of the sequence). Subscript notation is used to reference specific elements in a sequence (by their location). You may think of a subscript as a location in the list.

EG: The symbol x4 represents the fourth element in the sequence (in your exercise, x4 is 3).

The symbol xk+1 represents the element which follows the kth element. If the kth element were the third number in the list (that is, if k=3), then xk+1 would represent the fourth element x4.

With practice, you'll become more comfortable with the notation. Cheers

PS: In the forum guidelines, there's a link to a page that shows how to type math using a keyboard. We can use an underscore to show subscripts (saves typing and easier to read):

In the sequence x_0, x_1, x_2, …, x_n, each term from x_1 to x_k is 3 greater than the previous term, and each term from x_(k+1) to x_n is 3 less than the previous term, where n and k are positive integers and k<n. If x_0 equals x_n equals 0 and if x_k equals 15, what is the value of n?

I get how to solve this problem, but future math problems are going to be difficult to read and finish.
I get how to solve this problem, but future math problems are going to be difficult to read and finish.

With that attitude they will be! It kind of defies human nature that you should struggle with something and eventually understand it, just for future instances of that problem to increase in their difficulty for you.

Every challenge you crack is a victory, man. Things get EASIER with increased exposure, not harder.

I see why you are frustrated about the language. You ask the question why they can't just say the numbers go down after 15 until they hit 0. In other words, you want to know why they don't just use plain language. In the context of a single problem like this where the system is fairly simplistic, it isn't obvious why mathematical language is so useful.

But consider you did math for a living in some STEM career. If you were constantly having to talk about these systems, you'd want a convenient and effective language to do it in which was concise. Tens of thousands of words just to get across what could be done with symbols makes no sense.

Many systems in the real world are amazingly more complex than the sequence in the problem you asked about. Consider a computer. You could think of each cell in a computer's memory almost like each x in your sequence. Each cell has a location in memory, which is kind of like the subscripts on your x's. And each memory cell stores a value like the 0,3,6,9,15 (etc.) In the problem.

Except in a computer there are tens and tens of millions of x's and much more complex values being stored across the locations in the sequence.

We couldn't hope to talk about them in plain English. We need another language.
The moderators may want create a new thread for this, but it is hard to disentangle what I am about to say from spenc's posts in this thread, which strike me as dealing directly with the OP's difficulties, difficulties attributable to poor teaching.

After acting as a volunteer tutor for 10 years, I have become utterly disgusted with how math is taught in the U.S. There are far too many mechanical exercises that have neither theoretical nor practical relevance in an age of ubiquitous calculators and computers. There are far too few exercises that involve determining whether mathematics can help solve a problem that is not presented in mathematical form. Most people will never become mathematicians. With respect to those people, there are only two reasons to teach mathematics.

One is to let people see the beauties hidden in mathematics, which is not done by asking a child to divide 289 into 7041 by hand.

The other is to equip people with the most powerful analytical tool humankind has created. That means doing word problems, which are usually far clearer than the problems we confront in practice. Very frequently, such problems are very poorly defined even in a natural language. Translation of a practical problem into mathematical terms is usually the only difficult part of applying mathematics in the modern world. Our textbooks do not reflect this, and, as far as I can see, few teachers in grade school and high school even understand this. Whenever I hear a student complain about word problems, I internally groan because that student has not been given a clue about how and why a lack of mathematical competence closes so many doors for the student.

With respect to the OP's actual problem, it was already half way translated from a natural language into a mathematical one. What is to be learned from it is that things may become clear, but not unless the translation is completed.
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That was fantastic.

As someone aspiring to teach mathematics at the high school level at some point, it has been eye-opening to seek out learning from outside avenues, beside the cookie cutter curriculums I have experienced.

I am only a matter of steps into my mathematical "walk", but I discovered Morris Kline's work and (I don't know what the popular consensus is about his writing) I have found it to be eye opening just to read about math.

I wouldn't imagine most students (or many young people for that matter) would think to pick up a book for pleasure-reading about math. But being able to build the bridge between natural language and the language of math has been easier for me since I've started just reading about it.

One thing I have noticed is that mathematical thinking is learned, more or less. It is one thing to solve equations or systems of equations that are given to you. That is basically all students are taught to do. It is another thing to have a real-world problem described to you, to think about it in natural language and transform it into the equations.

It is pretty sad how commonly it gets spoken in high school classrooms how "you'll never use this stuff." It probably deters a lot of people from pursuing mathematics (beyond what they are forced to) who might otherwise be inclined for it. Especially when the reality is that once you begin to "think" mathematically it can enhance your problem solving in almost any life domain. But they leave school thinking mathematics is some kind of exercise, when it is actually just a different set of symbols, syntax and grammar that can expand their natural language's ability to represent/capture reality.
One thing I have noticed is that mathematical thinking is learned, more or less. It is one thing to solve equations or systems of equations that are given to you. That is basically all students are taught to do. It is another thing to have a real-world problem described to you, to think about it in natural language and transform it into the equations.

It is pretty sad how commonly it gets spoken in high school classrooms how "you'll never use this stuff." It probably deters a lot of people from pursuing mathematics (beyond what they are forced to) who might otherwise be inclined for it. Especially when the reality is that once you begin to "think" mathematically it can enhance your problem solving in almost any life domain. But they leave school thinking mathematics is some kind of exercise, when it is actually just a different set of symbols, syntax and grammar that can expand their natural language's ability to represent/capture reality.
Exactly, and thank you for the kind words.