Get function from table of data


New member
Apr 29, 2012
Hey everyone,

I'm sitting here looking at a sloping curve based on 99 data points.

I'd like to come up with an function to generate a curve that's close to the one I've got.

Not really a math-person, so can someone point me in the right direction?

Yes, but without the data, it's a bit difficult.


Various ways to go about it.
What d'heck is a "sloping curve" :confused:

I believe that the OP could drop the adjective without changing their intent.

However, the question is interesting (so far).

Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition, lists "straight" as an antonym for the adjective "sloping".

Collin's World English dictionary has an entry for the noun "sloping": hills or foothills.

Ever since statististics forced me to use the term "curvilinear", I kind of gave up on a formal definition. It seems more practical to go with the context.
Yes, but without the data, it's a bit difficult.


Various ways to go about it.

Here's the dataset. It's very very incomplete.

  1. 0
  2. 140
  3. 290
  4. 440
  5. 610
  6. 820
  7. 1100
  8. 1468
  9. 1920
  10. 2460
  11. 3080
  12. 3800
  13. 4620
  14. -
  15. 6500
  16. 7580
  17. 8760
  18. 10020
  19. 11340
  20. 12720
  21. 14160
  22. 15660
  23. 17220
  24. 18840
  25. 20520
  26. 22260
  27. 24060
  28. 25920
  29. 27840
  30. 29820
  31. 31860
  32. 33960
  33. 36120
  34. 38310
  35. 40480
  36. 42680
  37. 44900
  38. 47140
  39. 49400
  40. 51660
  41. 53940
  42. 56240
  43. 58540
  44. 60860
  45. 63340
  46. 66120
  47. 69210
  48. 72560
  49. 76240
  50. 80220
  51. 84440
  52. 88700
  53. 92980
  54. 97300
  55. 101660
  56. 106040
  57. 110460
  58. 114940
  59. 119420
  60. 123960
  61. 128720
  62. 133500
  63. -
  64. 143140
  65. 148000
  66. 152880
  67. 157780
  68. 162700
  69. 167660
  70. 172640
  71. -
  72. -
  73. -
  74. -
  75. -
  76. -
  77. -
  78. -
  79. -
  80. -
  81. -
  82. -
  83. -
  84. -
  85. -
  86. -
  87. -
  88. -
  89. -
  90. -
  91. -
  92. -
  93. -
  94. -
  95. -
  96. 292080
  97. -
  98. 336220
  99. 342580

What d'heck is a "sloping curve" :confused:

My economics professor used that term in class.

Does this question arise from a math course, or is it a personal project?

It's a private project. I'm making an augmented reality game where people can "level up," and I need to make it gradually more demanding as their player-level goes up. The dataset is from the online game "The Sims Social," and represent how many points you need to complete each level.
Given any finite number of data points there exist an infinite number of curves passing through those points. And an infinite number of other curves that are "close" to the data points in some sense. TKHunny suggested several methods in his first post.
Your data appear to lie on what we call an "exponential curve".

Regrettably, I cannot cut-and-paste your data because you used the numbered-list feature here. Hence, the following is based on my manual entry of only 10 of your data points.

Let x = level number

Let y = points required to complete level

Using software and something called the logarithmic least-squares method, I get the following formula:

y = (2.718281828)^(7.060175534 + 0.0713475192x)

The caret symbol (^) represents exponentiation.

Of course, this formula for y is rough because I used only 10 data points.

If you're willing to edit your data list, I'll recalculate using the entire data set. You will need to format the data like this:

[2, log(140)], [3, log(290)], [4, log(440)], [5, log(610)], ...

By the way, you listed zero points required for completing the first level; are you sure about that?

Cheers ~ Mark