GeoWord Fun!


Super Moderator
Oct 6, 2005
I enjoyed working this puzzle.

It comes from a Page-a-Day 2012 Puzzle Calendar (Workman Publishing, New York)

(Thumbnail below is clickable; right-click to open tab and print)

Reverse spelling is allowed, in this particular puzzle.

Also, I note that the grid shape is technically not an Octogon, as two of its "sides" are each one letter shorter than the other six sides. :cool:
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"Square" and "Squares" - will those count as reference to one finding or two findings.
"Square" and "Squares" - will those count as reference to one finding or two findings.

Use the remaining letters, as a check.

That is, keep looking, until the remaining letters spell out what a parallelepiped is. :cool:
No it does not, but for word search puzzles that is the norm.

So!? I have known that for decades. I don't automatically make assumptions and generalize
from the group to the specific.

Reverse spelling is allowed; hence the phrase "runs horizontally"
(for example) means either "from left to right" or "from right to left", as the case may be. . . .

No, the hence remark isn't applicable here. The phrase "runs horizotally" could mean reverse
spelling is allowed. It is inconclusive. It is not a given.
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So!? I have known that for decades. I don't automatically make assumptions and generalize
from the group to the specific.

No, the hence remark isn't applicable here. The phrase "runs horizotally" could mean reverse
spelling is allowed. It is inconclusive. It is not a given.

Dude, it's a word search game. Chill. :cool: