It should be clear from the given that S is a bounded set. We may assume that S is a compact subset of the plane. Therefore, S has a diameter, the greatest distance between any two points of S, call it M. Now because of compactness, there are two points in S, A & B, such that d(A,B)=M. The line l(AB) determines two half-planes, H<SUB>1</SUB> & H<SUB>2</SUB>. Any point of S in H<SUB>1</SUB> can be no more than a distance of 2/M from l(AB) [by symmetry same is true for H<SUB>2</SUB>]. Thus construct a rectangle with points A & B as midpoints of sides with length 4/M and the other sides have length M. The area of the rectangle is (4/M)(M)=4 and it encloses S.