Geometric series word problem


Junior Member
Oct 29, 2006
Okay, so here's the problem, and I'm not exactly sure how to go about solving it so any help would be appreciated:

Economic planners wish to estimate the impact of bringing a major league franchise to a certain city. They estimate that crowds coming to games would spend 50 million dollars over the course of a season. Some of that 50 million dollars would go into savings, some of it would be spent somewhere else, but they believe that about 60% of the money spent will be spent again in the city. That's another 30 million dollars for a total of 80 million. But that's not all. Sixty percent of the extra 30 million will be spent in the city, that's 18 million, and then 60% of 18 million, and then....

How much should they estimate will be spent altogether?
\(\displaystyle \L\\S=\frac{a_{1}}{1-r}\)

r=ratio and a1=first term