I'm having trouble coming up with a general formula for f^n(x)
F(x)= -3/x
F'(x)= 3/x^2
F''(x)= -6x/x^4
F'''(x)= 18x^4/x^8 But this is wrong. The coefficient is + 24.
From this I can get the denominator is x^(n^2), but how do I get the formula for the numerator?
Let's start with notation.
\(\displaystyle n = 0 \implies f_n(x) = -\ \dfrac{3}{x}.\)
\(\displaystyle n > 0 \implies f_{n}(x) = \text {derivative of } f_{n-1}(x).\)
\(\displaystyle n = 1 \implies f_1(x) = \text {derivative of } f_0(x) = \left ( \dfrac{d}{dx}\ \left (-\ \dfrac{3}{x} \right ) \right ) =\\
\dfrac{3}{x^2} = 3 * 1! * (-\ 1)^2 * x^{- 2} = 3 * n! * (-\ 1)^{(n+1)} * x^{-(n+1)} .\)
\(\displaystyle \therefore \exists \text { at least one integer } k \text { such that }\\
k \ge 1 \text { and } f_k(x) = 3k! * (-\ 1)^{(k+1)} * x^{-\ (k+1)}.\)
\(\displaystyle \text {CASE I: } k \text { is odd} \implies k + 1 \text { is even, } k + 2 = (k + 1) + 1 \text { is odd,}\)
\(\displaystyle \text {and } f_k = 3k! * (-\ 1)^{(k+1)} * x^{-\ (k+1))} = 3k! * x^{-\ (k+1))}.\)
\(\displaystyle \therefore f_{k+1} = \left ( \dfrac{d}{dx}\ 3k! * x^{-\ (k + 1)} \right ) =\\
= 3k!\{- (k + 1)\}k! * x^{\{-(k+1) - 1\}} = 3(k + 1)k! * (-\ 1) * x^{\{-(k+1) - 1\}} =\\
3(k + 1)! * (-\ 1)^{\{(k + 1)+ 1\}} * x^{-\{(k+1) + 1\}}.\)
\(\displaystyle \text {CASE II: } k \text { is even} \implies k + 1 \text { is odd, } k + 2 = (k + 1) + 1 \text { is even,}\)
\(\displaystyle \text {and } f_k = 3k! * (-\ 1)^{(k+1)} * x^{-\ (k+1))} = (-\ 1) * 3k! * x^{-\ (k+1))}.\)
\(\displaystyle \therefore f_{k+1} = \left ( \dfrac{d}{dx}\ (-\ 1) * 3k! * x^{-\ (k + 1)} \right ) =\\
= 3(-\ 1)\{-\ (k + 1)\}k! * x^{\{-(k+1) - 1\}} = 3(k + 1)k! * x^{-\ (k+1) - 1\}} =\\
3(k + 1)! * (-\ 1)^{\{(k + 1)+ 1\}} * x^{-\ \{(k+1) + 1\}}.\)
\(\displaystyle \text {THUS, by induction, } n > 0 \implies f_k(x) = 3n! * (-\ 1)^{(n+1)} * x^{-\ (n+1)}.\)