Try places that cover more-advanced areas in mathematics. (FreeMathHelp specializes in the lower levels of math, where there are probably more students needing the help. But other places may run toward the graduate level and/or esoterica.) So do a search for math tutoring or math forums, and check out the level of the postings to the various places. Pick a place that seems to cover topics in your area or at least in graduate school, and post your question.
By the way, you may want to narrow your question a bit. Entire books have been written about fractals, and wavelets are, I understand, an entire branch of study related to the topic. So obviously "fractals" cannot be covered in a forum posting. It would help if you said if you're looking for book recommendations, or asking for recommendations for a course of study as prerequisite to delving into fractals, or asking for help with some particular fractal-related exercise.