Gen Solution of 1st Order DE


New member
Jan 10, 2007
I need to determine if this is an exact DE & find a general solution.
I found that this is not an exact DE since -x/y^2 does not equal 1/x. I now need to find a general solution but I am stuck. What should I try next?


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The general solution to a differential equation must satisfy both the homogeneous and non-homogeneous equations. If you find a particular solution to the non-homogeneous equation, you can add the homogeneous solution to that solution and it will still be a solution since its net result will add to zero. A solution can be formed as the sum of the homogeneous and non-homogeneous solutions, and it will have a number of arbitrary (undetermined) constants. Such a solution is called the general solution to the differential equation.

do you know how to find the homo and heterogeneous solutions? This may help
Thanks. Just got an email from my professor saying there was a typo & the equation is y/x instead of x/y. This makes it an exact DE, which I can solve no problemo! Thanks for the info!